NexDone Health

Product Benefits:

NexDone Health allows you to be SIMPLY DONE with needless paperwork, notes, and tasks

  • Optimize experience of face-to-face encounters
  • Improve access to healthcare through minimizing language barriers
  • Enhance patient monitoring and compliance with treatment plan
  • Improve clinical productivity

Our Key Features

A solution designed to make your responsibilities as a patient, a doctor, or support staff, as simple as saying DONE !

Messaging System

Appointment tracker

Easy Form builder

Clinical Note Generator

Clinical PlanTracker

For Patients

With NexDone Health, forms are sent to you via email and text for you to complete and be DONE.

  • Sign forms ahead of time
  • Have forms tailored to your own language
  • Automated visit reminders
  • Have directions to the clinic and/or facility

When you leave an office, know what your next steps are:

  • Know what diagnostic studies are needed
  • Know how to reach the diagnostic centers
  • Automated communication of your provider’s orders with instructions
  • Automated survey to improve your experience
  • Automated Treatment plans communicated after the visit

For Providers

With NexDone Health, documentation is practically DONE before you see the patient!

  • Know why your patient is arriving, before hand
  • Automated Note completion
  • Ability to plan the visit, before patient arrives
  • Create customizable forms tailored to your practice
  • Automated notification to your support team based on patient needs

For Support Staff

With NexDone Health, you can be DONE with many tasks, allowing you to provide great service and attention to patients.
  • Simplify your work flow
  • Automated appointment reminders
  • Automated messaging for No Show
  • Automated instructions for Telehealth
  • Automated notifications of patient hospitalizations and completion of diagnostic testing